Working With Your Superpower
Ok, you have had your Superpower from me!
But, what next?
I do offer follow sessions and long-term coaching.
But regardless of what you do next, it is important that you know how to use your session with me.
The first thing many people remember about the information they got is, “Wow!! I got valuable information on who I really am! That’s amazing!”
But over time, the impact of that fades unless there’s practice and a deeper understanding of how to use your unique gifts.
Here is a guide that I give to my clients to make the best out of a session:
Take Home Point #1: Remember – Superpowers (or gifts) seem not incredibly special to the person who has them! It’s easy to discount your Superpower.
If I put one hundred people in a room and had them explain their Superpowers, almost everyone would want someone else’s Superpower. Why? Because our Superpowers seem so usual and easy to us that we do not see their immense potential.
When I tell people that my Superpower is knowing people’s Superpowers, they think I have it made! What a cool Superpower! But for me, it is so easy and natural for me to know what I know that it seems usual and blah. I used to wonder who would even want me to share my insights with them.
This is common. We do not really see our potential. We often have a sense of it, but it takes time and attention to gain confidence in and see the potential in what we so naturally do.
Take Home Point #2: Superpowers are not jobs. In other words, just because you have a Superpower does not mean that your Superpower should be your vocation.
Certainly, some people see a natural way to express their Superpowers as their job. I can easily do that. I can offer my Superpower expertise to people.
But what if one’s Superpower is expressing freedom? What if someone is an incredible listener? What if someone provides just the right words for people in time of great need?
These do not always translate into a neat and tidy job.
So do not put this restriction on your Superpower.
But at the same time, always look for opportunities to use your Superpower.
Take Home Point #3: Whatever Superpower you have, use it every day.
You heard me: use your Superpower Every Day.
If you are a good listener, listen to people powerfully. If you love horses, find a way to enjoy horses each day, even if that means you watch a video about horses on YouTube. If your Superpower is to design time pieces, draw ideas every day. If your Superpower is tuning in with the energy of the forest, do that every day.
Our Superpowers grow with conscious use.
Take Home Point #4: Our Superpowers grow with conscious use.
There is something incredibly powerful about acknowledging our Superpower to ourselves.
This is not to say that we are flashy or showy with our Superpower. It simply means that we use it purposefully each day.
AND we do not expect it to “make us happy.”
We just practice. It is like brushing our teeth. We do not expect brushing our teeth to complete us or give us joy. We do it because we know that over time, we have healthy teeth when we brush regularly.
Practice your Superpower like brushing your teeth. Practice it.
If you are a Superpower organizer, organize. If your Superpower storyteller, tell stories. If you do not have anyone to listen to a story that day, write your story or record it.
Take Home Point #5: DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT burden your Superpower by thinking it will make you happy and bring you joy.
Don’t get me wrong. It will. But do not expect it to. This is the fastest way to make sure you are not using your Superpower.
It is not designed to help you get rid of sadness, anxiety, depression, or anger. It is not a distraction away from your life. It is not “the answer”.
Your Superpower is your Superpower.
You can respect it and develop it if you would like. My experience is that expressing our Superpowers is joyful and does make us happy. But that just naturally happens when we are not using our Superpowers to make our lives happy.
Practice your Superpower because it is a good thing to do.
Make your bed, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, drink water, consciously use your Superpower. That is how to do it.
Keep it at the forefront. It will not take long for it to be showing up in your life a great deal more. It is natural for you to be aware of your Superpower and use it.
Yes, it seems to get buried sometimes. And in times of great transition, it may seem to disappear.
That is ok too. Just come back to it when the dust settles.
Take Home Point #6: Let your Superpower guide you.
Your Superpower has a kind of mind of its own. It thinks more expansively than you do. And it knows that surprising things will line up for you in ways you could never have imagined. You meet the right person on-line to help you, you see the most inspiring story in a 2-minute clip on TV as you are flipping through the channels. Or you have an idea in your sleep that makes so much sense.
Do not reduce your Superpower to things you HAVE to do. Certainly, there are things like that, but take heed – the more your force your Superpower, the less it is true genius gets to shine.
Let the ideas flow to you as you are going throughout your day. Remember: your Superpower always wants to be expressed.
So, you already have the drive to use it.
It is more about letting go and letting yourself be inspired than making things happen.
Take Home Point #7: There is nowhere to get
We have a built-in fantasy world where we finally get to live in the wealthy palace, and we have the perfect partner, and life is managed. Whatever your fantasy is, realize that life does not work in the mode of happily-ever-after. There is always life to be lived.
That is not to say that we cannot gain wisdom and see the beauty of everyday life. That is the true happily-ever-after.
But the happily-ever-after where everything is understood, and we get to just lay around and get coddled is not really a happily-ever-after existence.
Our Superpowers are always growing, which means that we will face obstacles, and we will overcome them, and then we will face more obstacles, and overcome them. Over and over and over. Things will take their own path and we will gain wisdom and understanding along the way.
Take Home Point #8: Superpowers are a guide
Superpowers can help us through our everyday lives. When we tap into our Superpowers, we get a glimpse into a world of possibility – we see, even if very briefly, another way to live.
In using our Superpowers, we can get into the flow of life. We love this flow. It’s a sublime experience beyond our daily nattering thoughts that so easily take over our lives and our focus.
But do not try to get into that space of flow. That just makes it harder.
Instead, practice your Superpower as a practice. Use your extraordinary gifts without expectations and you’ll get glimpses every once in a while, which will give you the experience you love so much.
This experience alone with help guide you. Being in the flow reminds you that there is a way to live that is amazing, accepting, full of love, and peaceful.
It is allusive, this feeling of being in the zone.
But it will guide you as well, reminding you to stay in the game, to keep learning and growing.
In every day, there’s room for awakening and for setting aside old patterns and hurts. And those small leaps in growth are worth so much. There’s joy to be had along the way.
This is not about “getting there.” There are enough daily breakthroughs that make the journey wonderful.
Take Home Point #9: Everything you need is right in front of you
Your Superpowers are always wanting to be expressed. It is in our programming as human beings.
We are always looking for ways to really express our true, majestic nature.
We are either expressing our Superpower, or we are experiencing what’s in the way of expressing our Superpowers. That is all that is happening.
When we are not in the flow, expressing our Superpower, we can see what is stopping us.
Usually, what is stopping us is the thoughts in our head that we believe. As we examine those, we are freer to use our Superpowers. And as we use our Superpowers, we are more able to see the thoughts that we are having as just thoughts, and not reality.
This is not a small concept. Truly, if we understand this, we understand everything. This is a way to live – aware and present – even when, especially when, we are uncomfortable.
Take Home Point #10: Your Superpower will arise naturally - this is the path
Do you remember the old buffet plates? At buffet restaurants, they loaded lots of plates into a serving machine that was no more than a column with a spring. As one plate was taken off the top, the weight of the whole stack was less, so the spring pushed the next plate up to the top of the serving stack. Plate after plate was available as each person in line took the top plate.
Your Superpower is like that. It shows you the next thing to face to express your Superpower more fully.
And the things to face vary.
It could be the need to clean up one’s finances, which is really the need to face one’s fear about survival.
And when one faces that, there is more freedom to express one’s Superpower.
And the next “plate in the stack” is experiencing one’s frustration in life.
And once one faces that, there is more freedom to express one’s Superpower.
And this goes on and on.
There is nowhere to get. Don’t look for the end of the stack. There are huge rewards for each step of the way.
And sometimes, you pick up four plates at a time because they are all so intertwined that it is like they’re stuck together and to take one off the stack means that all four have to come off at the same time.
But all the while the Superpower is getting more clear and easier to express.
It will naturally arise when there is nothing holding it down.
Sometimes, we experience a small amount of Superpower freedom. Other times, we have a huge leap forward.
But no matter.
The work is still the work. To see what is there and be with it.
Or to do a task that brings up our hidden thoughts and feelings.
Either way, that is the work. And it will arise, and it will free us to experience and express our Superpowers more profoundly.
Take Home Point #11: This is it. This is the Superpower journey.
There is no goal to attain. There’s no place to get to. at will have us finally realize that we’ve arrived.
Because there is no arriving.
There is just the daily task of seeing and feeling what already there.
Once we see a pattern, or feel an emotion, the hold that it has on us starts to unravel by itself.
And once we experience using our Superpower, it becomes easier and easier.
And the more things will show up that we are ready to unravel.
There is no need to rush.
Things will happen in their own time.
And there is a joy available in the work of the everyday.
That is where the joy is.
In every day.
Sometimes, it will be there.
In my experience, it will be there increasingly.
But it just happens. Often at the most unlikely of times and in the most mundane places.
Just take the next plate off, do the work, and enjoy. This is it.