Superpower Individual Workshop
First, we'll start with a Superpower Write-Up where I'll got into some Superpower insights that are specifically for you. Then, we'll have a 45-minute call to discuss your Superpower and start the Superpower Immersion work. I will record this so you can review it any time you'd like. We'll have a total of 3 phone conversations to enable you to experience your Superpower more deeply and get into action daily with using your Superpower intentionally.
Our services,
tailored to you.
First comes uncovering your genius. This is a highly individual process that opens your mind to who you really are, what you love, and what you’re capable of. This process alone is life-changing.
Next, we’ll clear away what’s in the way of expressing your genius and living in accordance with what you value. We’ll build an infrastructure for clearing away the old and incorporating the new.
Finally, we’ll fine-tune your ability to stay in your inspired, creative mindset and to navigate the new opportunities naturally coming your way.
There are many concepts that help us grow exponentially. The educational process for this work includes articles, videos, emails, and online posts that delve into the specifics of self-discovery and how to consistently experience and express one’s genius.
Many times we need an insightful conversation to get back on track, or to simply gain a more powerful perspective on what we’re experiencing. These “check-ins” keep us grounded and lessen the angst that can arise as we clear away old patterns and develop a new way to approach life.
Why work with me?
My Superpower is that I know people’s Superpowers. I’m unexplainably good at this. It defies all reason that I can do this. But, that’s how Superpowers are. When we discover our Superpowers, we can easily do things we never dreamed we could do.
I’ll introduce aspects of yourself that you haven’t been aware of. In doing so, I will come up with a way for you to look at yourself that is so powerful that you’ll automatically begin to experience yourself and your life differently. This individual work will provide a direct route to realizing your potential, which is always a great deal more powerful than people realize.
Overall, this is a huge shortcut to being the best and happiest you can be.
How I work with clients.
Most of the work we’ll do together will happen in conversations that we have. For efficiency’s sake, I don’t meet with people in person. I use a conference call service and record our conversations for you to review whenever you’d like. I usually keep conversations to around 45 minutes, as it’s difficult to absorb information after the 45 minute mark.